Image of Modius’ DCIM solutions for data centers, emphasizing real-time monitoring and operational intelligence.
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Advanced Telecom DCIM Solutions for Improved Infrastructure Management

Network Operators

Remote Infrastructure

Infrastructure Management for your Network

The future is built on connectivity and connectivity is built on thousands of individual edge locations: cell sites, tower sites, fiber regen huts, and other locations which support specialized private and public networks. These locations are connecting billions of devices from mobile phones to smart cameras, to autonomous vehicles, to sensors in just about everything.

The reliability of this infrastructure is the cornerstone of our connected future. And while there are very well-developed approaches to managing the IT performance of the network infrastructure, monitoring and managing the physical infrastructure is inconsistent.

For example, mobile network operators are responding to these challenges with massive investments in backup power systems, but the gap is the missing analytics needed to effectively monitor power, environmental conditions, and equipment health. Sensor data can now be used to accurately diagnose and remotely repair, or dispatch personnel with the parts and technical knowledge needed the first time.

Modius OpenData Provides an End-to-End Approach

Modius provides an end-to-end solution for monitoring and managing edge infrastructure by delivering better visibility using analytics.

Key Features

  • OpenData for Telecom

    OpenData is the industry’s only fully distributed data collection solution for gathering real-time performance metrics from across a network of mission-critical facilities. It offers core alarming and data collection capabilities for all power, environmental, and transport equipment.

  • Collect Everything

    OpenData is a highly scalable IoT platform designed specifically to handle the issues of data collection from both legacy and new heterogeneous infrastructure assets within your edge infrastructure.

    The OpenData platform does the heavy lifting; communicating with all types of devices from any manufacturer, normalizing data across these devices, and creating calculated data metrics which are available for systems-level management.

  • Monitor Everything

    As remote site infrastructure becomes more distributed, it also becomes more difficult to manage. With OpenData you can analyze and monitor the health of everything that affects your edge environment, aggregated from vast amounts of machine and sensor data.

  • Analyze Everything

    OpenData captures and trends granular performance data from all critical devices. OpenData utilizes an open architecture to deploy machine learning and predictive analytics for intelligent decision-making.

    OpenData Analytics automatically collects, translates, and normalizes big data into structured metrics that are easily formatted for analysis and presentation in reports, charts, graphs, and dashboards.

Optimizing Micro Data Centers for Telecom Infrastructure Efficiency

Micro Data Centers for Lower Latency and Improved User Experience

In addition to the connected devices and IoT, computing is moving to the edge with micro data centers moving the data closer to the device to deliver lower latency and better user experiences. These micro data centers could range from the two racks, roadside shelter to a modular building that is placed under a cell tower. To be effective they need to be remotely controllable, have non-moving parts, and have real-time measurements of voltage, amperage, phase status, and the temperature of the internal components. These controls must allow for start-stop, non-human assisted resetting to normal operation.

Micro Data Centers Are Controlled Remotely with OpenData

Modius enables more reliable and cost-effective telecom networks by providing network infrastructure management solutions for legacy and 5G mobile networks, towers, and other telecom operations to manage power, security, and environmental issues which can be deployed at 1, 10, or 10,000 locations with equivalent performance.

Telecom sites are evolving to include many new intelligent subsystem controllers for DC rectifiers, generators, cameras, access controllers, and HVAC. Modius provides all the tools you need to manage the performance of your mission-critical infrastructure, from the integration of disparate devices to analytics, to integrated dashboards, all in a “single pane of glass”.

The Modius difference is Real-time Operational Intelligence (RtOI), which moves analysis to the edge to more efficiently inform network design, proactive maintenance, and efficient repair. Companies with multiple geographically distributed locations see vast improvements in network reliability and operational efficiency. Modius’ best-in-breed integration approach is paired with data management technologies to provide both real-time and historical analysis at multiple levels of an organization.

Cell Towers and 5G

Visibility Required to Support Growth
in Cell Towers and 5G

Industry analysts estimate that there are over four million cell sites globally, growing at an annual rate of 18%. In the US, CTIA counts almost 400,000 cell sites and a CAPEX approaching $600 million in 2020 to deliver a robust wireless future. The rollout of 5G is compounding growth with newly acquired sites in unconventional locations.

Ensuring that all these sites operate reliably is critical to serving customers and uninterrupted business operations. There is a lot of focus on the IT side of remote location operations, but managing the power, security and environmental issues is equally important.

Having visibility into every site on the network is critical to understanding overall network health.

If you don’t know the ambient temp inside your cell site, you are sitting on a time-bomb. If it gets too hot, your network is going to break.
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—Network Operator of Major Carrier

Public Safety

Public Safety Networks Must be Reliable

If you consider public safety networks, network reliability is life and death. And for networks serving business, customer experience, and business operations are linked directly to network reliability.


Modius OpenData for Public Safety

Modius OpenData plays an increasingly important role, enabling network operations pros to manage their far-flung infrastructure with a customer-first approach; anticipating issues and solving them before they impact customer experience

Power and Utilities

Powering your Digital Transformation: Collect, Analyze, Act

Today’s energy and utility companies are under increasing pressure to modernize business operations through digital transformation to remain competitive, supplying their customer base with safe and affordable energy, all while reducing capital expenses and adhering to “renewable energy” goals.

Potential challenges such as monitoring the Distributed Energy Resources (DERS) and other “smart equipment” require significant investment (CAPEX) to maintain and upgrade the grid, even as energy demand slows. It is increasingly important to have connected technologies deployed that can monitor ALL energy resources to prolong infrastructure investments,  improve resilience, and increase system integration monitoring.

OpenData Constantly Monitors Your Data to Protect Assets

You have significant investment in your energy resources, so having enough time to react to issues in the field is key. OpenData by Modius constantly monitors your IoT equipment looking for potential issues, alerting you in enough time to deploy the appropriate resources, and integrating them into all power and Utility assets.

Key Features

  • Collect data from everything

    Monitor all upstream, midstream, and downstream assets, and distributed energy resources (DERs). OpenData integrates into just about anything natively quickly and easily.

  • Collect data from everywhere

    OpenData allows you to combine data from multiple systems to create a unified mash-up of all field assets and facility equipment, both of new and legacy systems, centralized or distributed.

  • Real-time decision making

    Automated data normalization, time synchronization and the ability to combine data into useful metrics to predict outcomes. OpenData provides correlated information for superior decision-making.

  • Mitigate Security Risks

    With massive amounts of physical and virtual assets coming online, security becomes an enhanced need. With sensor level monitoring and time-series reporting OpenData acts as a first-line defense to warn you if any system or device is not performing as it should, allowing you to look further into potential device issues.

  • System Interoperability and Monitoring

    OpenData leverages your existing IT and Operations systems to act as the monitors of monitors. By leveraging your existing systems we reach further into your data stack and provide more analytical value for the health of your device data.