Environmental Security Technology Certification Program
Modius has worked with the ESTCP to showcase a Middleware solution for a more effective use of utility and facility data to improve facilities management, operation, and maintenance.

At Yotta 2024, senior leaders and solution providers will get together to learn and make connections that will hasten the digital infrastructure convergence that’s already underway. And they’ll leave with the “a-ha” insights and connections required to imagine, and then build, a world that meets tomorrow’s challenges.
Modius provides solutions for managing critical facilities’ availability, capacity, and efficiency. Our flagship product, OpenData, provides all the tools, including DCIM, needed to manage mission-critical infrastructure performance, including seamless integration of disparate devices. In addition, OpenData has built-in integrated features for analytics, dashboards, graphical views, and more, all in a “single pane of glass.”
Environmental Security Technology Certification Program
Modius has worked with the ESTCP to showcase a Middleware solution for a more effective use of utility and facility data to improve facilities management, operation, and maintenance.