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Remote Sites
Cell Towers
Power & Utilities

Remote Sites

Telecom Network Infrastructure Management

The future is built on connectivity and onnectivity is built on millions of individual edge locations: cell sites, data centers, mini data centers and specialized networks monitoring public and private infrastructure. These locations are connecting billions of edge devices, from cell phones to smart cameras to the autonomous vehicle ecosystem to sensors in just about everything.

[download our new whitepaper for the complete story and insights about Network Infrastructure Management]

The reliability of the infrastructure is the ornerstone of the connected future. And while there are very well developed approaches to managing the IT performance of the network infrastructure, monitoring and anaging the physical infrastructure is inconsistent. Cell sites are vulnerable to forest fires and storms, as well as normal wear and tear from ambient conditions and power failures.

According to one of our customers, an engineer with a major network operator, the stakes have been raised, “If you don’t know the ambient temp outside your cell site, you are sitting on a timebomb. If it gets too hot your network is going to break .

Mobile network operators are responding to these challenges with massive investments in backup power systems, but the gap is in monitoring power, temperature, equipment health and environment. And having the ability to use remote sensor data to diagnose and repair or dispatch a repair team with the parts and technical knowledge the first time.

Modern Network infrastructure Management solutions, like Modius, provide an end-to-end approach to monitoring and managing edge infrastructure to deliver deep analytics, pro-active actions based on predictive modeling, automated performance management and clear direction for field teams. The foundation of modern Network Infrastructure Management is based on best practices gleaned from Data Center Infrastructure Management, where design of the facility, physical environment and power usage play a key role in delivering high performance, reliability and maximum ROI.



  • Full monitoring and measurement of all infrastructure equipment (power, cooling,environment sen-
    sors & IT devides)
  • Robust intelligent alarming using virtual (or computed) points
  • Complete alarm management, including notification and escalation with history tracking
  • Centralized alerts and alarms for all devices
  • Improve MTTR & higher MTBF
  • Achieve true N+1 redundacy

Power & Utilities

Powering your Digital Transformation Collect, Analyze, Act

Today’s energy and utilities companies are under increasing pressure to modernize business operations through digital transformation to remain competitive, supplying their customer base with safe and affordable energy, all while reducing capital expenses and adhering to “renewable energy” goals.

Potential challenges such monitoring the distributed energy resources (DERS) and other “smart equipment” requires significant investment (CAPEX) to maintain and upgrade the grid, even as energy demand slows. It is increasingly important to have connected technologies deployed that can monitor ALL energy resources to prolong infrastructure investments, improve resilience, and increase system integration monitoring.

You have significant investment in your energy resources, so having enough time to react to issues in the field is key. Open Data by Modius constantly monitors your IoT equipment looking for potential issues, and alerting you in enough time to deploy the appropriate resources, and integrating into all Energy and Utility assets.



Monitor all upstream, midstream, and downstream assets, and distributed energy resources (DERS). OpenData integrates into just about anything natively quickly and easily.


OpenData allows you to combine data from multiple systems to create a unified mash-up of all field assets and facility equipment, both of new and legacy systems, centralized or destributed


Automated data normalization, time synchronization and the ability to combine data into useful metrics to predict outcomes. OpenData provides correlated information for superior decision making.


With massive amounts of physical and virtual assets coming online, security become an enhanced need. With sensor level monitoring and time series reporting OpenData acts as a first line defense to warn you if any system or device is not performing as it should, allowing you to look further into potential device issues.


OpenData leverages your existing IT and Operations systems to act as the monitors of monitors. By leverage your existing systems we reach further into your data stack, and provide more analytical value for the health of your device data.