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Ahoy there! Partnering for DCIM Customer Success

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In the Spotlight: Strengthening Product Development of DCIM Through Customer Collaboration 

Did you know that one of the many definitions of the word “Partner” is one of the heavy timbers that strengthen a ship’s deck to support a mast? While it’s not the first thing we think of when we hear the word, the themes of “strengthen” and support are critical in any partnership. At Modius it’s a core value as we work on being the best Data Center Infrastructure Management solution.

Building Great DCIM Software through a Partnership Lens

In winning Business Partnerships, companies combine their strengths, bringing complementary capabilities to market. Modius takes this approach with our customers. We all recognize that the Software world is not what it used to be. It’s no longer big monolithic applications that get uplifted every couple of years; take it or leave it. Instead, applications have to grow and improve to meet market needs rapidly.

A great example is your browser. You do not download an entirely new browser every year or two; it may update several times a month. The process is nearly silent in the background. Apps on your phone regularly update with incremental improvements and fixes unobtrusively, making the product better always. It’s no different for example in making improvements to our Data Center Analytics capability or Edge Data Center Management as 5G rolls out.

Modius does regular release level QA builds. Every month. Of course, they include fixes and planned enhancements. But most importantly, if you are using Modius オープンデータ, they have YOU in mind-So; as we lay out our plans, we include customer needs and requests not as an afterthought but as a core part of planned releases each month.

Our customers have spent countless hours working with our Software to accomplish their DCIM operation goals. And in doing so, they often become the experts on opportunities where we can improve the experience of OpenData – and we listen. Management and engineering see all the requests to our support system (support@modius.com). They get read. They get discussed. And they often give us great insight. As a result, the partners “strengthen” each other to deliver something extraordinary.

Reach out to us, and let’s talk about how partnering with us can help you deliver a world-class DCIM solution for your company and your customers. You can reach us at sales@modius.com.

Photo by Bobby Stevenson on Unsplash