
If you’re a stakeholder tasked with making important decisions in today’s data center landscape, you need more than awareness of the most significant trends.
You need up-to-date insights. You need actionable intelligence. And you need a place to discuss these trends with the stakeholders and partners that make your data operations work.
Meet the Data Center Frontier Trends Summit – a new industry event that will empower data center leaders and stakeholders to make the most informed decisions through insights on the essential trends impacting the marketplace.
Modius provides solutions for managing critical facilities’ availability, capacity, and efficiency. Our flagship product, オープンデータ, provides all the tools, including DCIM, needed to manage mission-critical infrastructure performance, including seamless integration of disparate devices. In addition, OpenData has built-in integrated features for analytics, dashboards, graphical views, and more, all in a “single pane of glass.”