Visit us at booth #1028
May 8-11 2023 | Austin, TX
Data Center World delivers expert strategy and insight on the technologies and concepts you need to know to plan, manage, and optimize your data center.
Data Center World educational conference programming is focused on the rapidly advancing data center technologies like edge computing, colocation, hyperscale, and predictive analytics – all within a rapidly changing global business climate, giving our attendees a leg up on their competitors to become the new trailblazers of the data center.
Modius provides solutions for managing critical facilities’ availability, capacity, and efficiency. Our flagship product, オープンデータ, provides all the tools, including DCIM, needed to manage mission-critical infrastructure performance, including seamless integration of disparate devices. In addition, OpenData has built-in integrated features for analytics, dashboards, graphical views, and more, all in a “single pane of glass.”
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Trusted Software for Data Center Infrastructure Management -DCIM