Zombies are afoot! Data Center Monitoring is the weapon!

Having walked through my share of data centers, it is always interesting to see such a heterogeneous amalgamation of IT gear that has accumulated since the data center itself was commissioned. While every data center designer and manager starts out with wild fanciful ideals about the pristine architecture of the data center, the actual complexion of the data center changes dramatically over time and we are left with rows and rows of assorted gear, all happily consuming power, blinking LEDs, and perhaps 20%-30% of these devices no longer in use… Zombies abound! Perhaps Zombies is a harsh word, but the concept is the same. A non-trivial portion of the devices […]
Why has it been so hard to deploy Data Center Monitoring?

For those of you following my writings, you’ll know that I’ve “been around the block” a few times in the IT world. For 30 years I’ve seen alot of technologies come and go. Various technologies always seem to sound great at first (to some people), but how those technologies play out over time is a measure of the capabilities, costs, and timing BUT more importantly a bit of ‘chance’. Sometimes it just doesn’t add up or make any sense, and yet certain solutions thrive while others fail. Data Center Management has always been considered an “ART” rather than a science. Emotions, previous experiences and personal focal points drive investments within […]
Do Co-los & MSPs need Unified Monitoring & Measurement more than other Data Centers?

Here at Modius, we are seeing an increasing number of requests among Co-locations (Co-los) and Managed Service Providers (MSPs) to help them capture more robust and accurate power measurement data. In one sense, this trend is nothing new because all data centers—whether captive inside an enterprise or an outsourced service provider—need accurate power measurement, typically for improving: Capacity optimization Energy efficiency Uptime assurance But we find that Co-lo’s and MSP’s have a special need that takes power reporting to the next level: Providing disaggregated energy consumption and power usage data by customer at a very granular level, often by rack or even a group of servers. Typically, they need detailed […]
Collecting Data From Legacy Equipment

Data Center Infrastructure: Data Collection via LAN or Serial Interfaces When the topic of data center infrastructure comes up, there exists some confusion regarding how the two technologies, Serial and LAN, relate. Let me start by saying that nearly every piece of equipment built in the last 20 years includes at least one form of core controller interface. In fact, the engineering teams that build this type of equipment will tell you that one of the very first portions of a control system developed is the console/monitor access interface because it is this interface that typically is used to help continue to develop and debug the controller itself (as well […]
“Smart” Data Center Infrastructure Management. IoT for IT (Post #2)

Bridging the gap between IoT and Asset Management An IoT World By Sean Gately Fast forward to today’s explosion of smart devices and the Internet of Things and you and see that data centers infrastructure management is under a dynamic change. The core concept that data centers have been focused on since inception has been to centralize IT operations and management for cost efficiency and predictable operations. With 50 Billion devices set to come online by 2020, and more deployed devices getting “smart”, much of the centralized structure of a traditional data center becomes inadequate because of the massive amount of data created at-the-edge, and the need for real-time edge-based […]
“Smart” Data Center Infrastructure Management. IoT for IT (Post #3)

Bridging the gap between IoT and Asset Management By Sean Gately This rapid change in data center architecture puts traditional data center management tools at a disadvantage and adds strain to IT and Facility professionals. Managing a traditional modern data center while also trying to manage the Internet of Things devices requires a whole new level of wholistic monitoring and is a complex and complicated task. Traditional asset management in the data center will now need to extend outward to account for edge-based data centers and new smart devices with all new ways to monitor and manage them. With less in-person interaction these edge deployments will need to utilize machine […]
Made It Myself

Standardized protocols are a lifesaver. Without them, hundreds of vendors would tackle device communication in hundreds of different ways, convinced their way is “the best way.” Fortunately, Modbus, SNMP, BACnet, and other protocols have become industry standards, and broad support has forced vendors to achieve some level of compliance. This is a massive win for the customer – you know you can retrieve data from most devices with one of these protocols. Sure, there are a few outliers – but they are typically legacy hardware that can be addressed through various workarounds. But protocols are only part of the solution. Once you can communicate with a device, you need a […]
Why You Need Data Center Infrastructure Management

Over the last few years, the data center infrastructure management (DCIM) phenomenon has soared. With many companies recognizing the low costs, reduced time, and high reliability of integrated systems, DCIM has become a key tool for keeping facilities running smoothly. How does DCIM operate and what are its broader effects on facility operations? If you want to learn more about this, read on as we discuss why you need DCIM. Reduces Costs Information from data center infrastructure management systems allows managers to be one step ahead of problems by uncovering issues before they even realize they exist. DCIM can also provide insights into what is needed to fix the problem. […]
Ahoy there! Partnering for DCIM Customer Success

In the Spotlight: Strengthening Product Development of DCIM Through Customer Collaboration Did you know that one of the many definitions of the word “Partner” is one of the heavy timbers that strengthen a ship’s deck to support a mast? While it’s not the first thing we think of when we hear the word, the themes of “strengthen” and support are critical in any partnership. At Modius it’s a core value as we work on being the best Data Center Infrastructure Management solution. Building Great DCIM Software through a Partnership Lens In winning Business Partnerships, companies combine their strengths, bringing complementary capabilities to market. Modius takes this approach with our customers. […]
Data Center Alerts-Effective Prioritization of DCIM Alarms Through Better Software Processes

Red Alert! Red Alert! Breakers tripped. Overloaded backup gear. More breaker’s tripped. More failover states. Servers offline. Followed by meetings with “Cascade Event” as the phrase of the day. Much of your equipment has alarm capabilities. Handy sometimes and other times not so much. A slew of devices all vying for your attention – and each device’s hardware alarms are tied to the limits of that individual piece of gear. But your infrastructure is more the sum of the parts – it is a complex system of hardware woven together to perform a larger goal. One of DCIM‘s core superpowers is software alarms. Software alarms in a good Data Center […]