Critical Facilities Summit – October 23-25, Minneapolis, MN

Join Modius in Minneapolis! The only national event dedicated to designing, operating and staffing mission critical buildings for optimal efficiency and reliability. Discover leading trends and best practices in the design, construction, engineering and management of data centers, hospitals, universities, labs, pharmaceuticals, financials, telecoms and all mission critical facilities. Modius will be in attendance, demonstrating OpenData for managing equipment and infrastructure using IoT technologies. Please visit Booth #714 to see the latest enhancements to the OpenData platform. Register Here…
Why Modius OpenData Defines Smart Digital Infrastructure

This was overheard last week from a seasoned data center veteran: DCIM largely failed to live up to its past promises… What do you think? Another over-hyped hype cycle? The technologies of modern, “smart” infrastructure management weren’t available a decade ago — or were rare and unaffordable –or seen as unnecessary — or certainly not in the sense of seconds of real-time immediacy. As a result, adopters of DCIM a decade ago — often themselves without a clear understanding of the business problems they wished to solve –- dove head-first into a “boiling-the-ocean” approach. First, the term Internet of Things (IoT), coined in 1999, hadn’t yet been extrapolated to include DCIM. […]