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“Smart” Data Center Infrastructure Management. IoT for IT (Post #2)

Bridging the gap between IoT and Asset Management An IoT World By Sean Gately Fast forward to today’s explosion of smart devices and the Internet of Things and you and see that data centers infrastructure management is under a dynamic change. The core concept that data centers have been focused on since inception has been to centralize IT operations and management for cost efficiency and predictable operations. With 50 Billion devices set to come online by 2020, and more deployed devices getting “smart”, much of the centralized structure of a traditional data center becomes inadequate because of the massive amount of data created at-the-edge, and the need for real-time edge-based […]

“Smart” Data Center Infrastructure Management. IoT for IT (Post #3)

Bridging the gap between IoT and Asset Management By Sean Gately This rapid change in data center architecture puts traditional data center management tools at a disadvantage and adds strain to IT and Facility professionals. Managing a traditional modern data center while also trying to manage the Internet of Things devices requires a whole new level of wholistic monitoring and is a complex and complicated task. Traditional asset management in the data center will now need to extend outward to account for edge-based data centers and new smart devices with all new ways to monitor and manage them. With less in-person interaction these edge deployments will need to utilize machine […]