ブログをご覧ください: DCIMの最新情報はこちら

The Power of DCIM to Enable Automation

Automation Software Gears icon made with binary code IOT and A

Data centers are more complex than ever, with growing demands for efficiency, scalability, and sustainability. As businesses rely more on digital infrastructure, the need for automation for operational efficiency has never been greater. Manual processes and fragmented systems slow down operations, increase costs, and introduce risks. Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) plays a crucial role in enabling automation. By providing real-time data, systemwide views, and actionable insights, DCIM helps operators streamline operations, optimize resources, and improve reliability. Modius® OpenData® is a leading DCIM solution designed to power automation in modern data centers. With advanced monitoring, analytics, and integration capabilities, OpenData enables data center operators to automate workflows, reduce human intervention, […]