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Power Normalization – Part 2

power normalization dcim

A powerful DCIM solution uses normalization to present a unified view of the power state of your assets, removing the need to process or interpret state and enabling you to focus on your job – managing your power distribution.

Fill the DCIM Power Gaps

dcim power gap

Data Gaps – The hidden pitfall of Data Center monitoring. When your DCIM solution is deployed, and when every device that can be monitored IS monitored – there is a perception that monitoring has been maximized and that everything that can be done has been done – to avoid unexpected failures and downtime. That assumption is wrong. Despite great strides in the industry, not all gear supports monitoring. Using legacy gear is a significant part of the issue, but also a choice. Rack PDUs are a good example. The cost difference between an in-rack PDU with monitoring and a glorified power strip can be significant. This is particularly true if […]

Data Transparency In the Modern CoLo Environment

CoLo Environment

A flexible DCIM API solves Data Transparency In the Modern CoLo Environment. Modern CoLo customers, particularly HyperScalers – the biggest of the big want increasing exposure to data directly from your data center hardware. Not just summaries or aggregates but raw values and trends. HyperScaler contracts now contain requirements for transparency in monitoring – these often have clauses that can terminate a CoLo agreement based on counts per year for point value violation of limits. If the humidity in a given area exceeds a limit value by a given amount five times a year? End of contract. The same is true for temperature values, % utilization of power gear, and […]

Some Thoughts on Sustainability

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An essential tool in addressing the sustainability of data centers is through the use of data center infrastructure management (DCIM) software.

Colocation Providers: Keep Your Hyperscaler Tenants Happy (and Compliant) with This Secret Weapon

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Hyperscalers demand meticulous reporting and compliance when procuring colocation services. Using a robust DCIM solution that delivers secure, real-time monitoring, historical trend tracking, and raw telemetry data through the right API allows for unmatched Tenant Transparency. Challenges in Tenant Transparency Providing colocation for hyperscalers is an attractive business model, but hyperscalers have complex and rigid requirements that can be challenging and time-consuming to support. These challenges include strict compliance with rules on power distribution and environmental conditions, often specifying the number and length of violations for a given period. Violations of compliance with these requirements can be the basis of contractual agreements that allow them to break their service contract, […]